Friday, October 17, 2014

A Real political campaign

            In a country where political ads consist of demon sheep, castrated hogs and chickens, it is rare to find an ad which conveys a clear and powerful message. In Wisconsin’s gubernatorial election Mary Burke (D) and Scott Walker (R) are in a dead heat. Two weeks ago Walker was up five points on Burke (50 to 40) however as the election draws closer, Burke has rose up in the polling. This can be attributed to Mary Burke’s superb political ads and the research team she employs. Burke has managed to stay away from the cattiness other politicians involve themselves in during elections while also creating commercials which conveys a very strong message. In her commercial “Absolutely” Burke states facts, for instance Governor Walker promised to add 250,000 new jobs in the state of Wisconsin. Over his term Wisconsin is now dead last in Midwestern job growth and Walker has not even come close to meeting his mark of 250,000 new jobs. In the ad there are links and citations after every accusation made towards Walker. Burke conveys the message that Walker is not working for the people of Wisconsin because he is unable to fulfill the promises he has made since he assumed office.
            Burkes ads also appeals to the people voting for her. Just one state over in Montana, during their last election for senator, citizens were bombarded with hundreds of political ads in the most vicious and expensive campaign in Montana’s history. In “Big Sky Big Money”, a documentary about the last election for senator in Montana, the filmers show how fed up the people of Montana were with the multitude of depraved ads attacking both candidates running. So when the people of Wisconsin see that there is a politician who is able to convey a powerful point without spewing nonsense it is greatly appreciated. It gives Mary Burke the image of someone who is a woman of the people. By posting clear and concise videos she is giving the people what they want, facts and information, and because of her research team the facts that she brings up portray governor walker in a very negative light.
            In an election where every vote counts, it might be the little things like campaign ads which wins the election for either Walker or Burke. With time running down in the campaign cycle each candidate would take any edge they can get and it seems like through good research and effective ads Burke has been slowly growing in popularity.

Hohmann, James. "Poll: Wisconsin Governor’s Race Tied." Politico. October 15, 2014. Accessed October 16, 2014.


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