Friday, October 17, 2014

Cory Booker: Political Ads

    Cory Booker, New Jersey Democratic incumbent is favored to win once again in this coming election. Throughout this campaign political ads haven't had much of an appearance for either candidate. Earlier in September booker released his lone campaign ad for the current election, and never even mentioned his opponent, republican Jeff Bell. The ad was completely focused on all the positive aspects of Bookers previous campaign. Showing the people of New Jersey what he stands for and shows he can keep his word. In Bookers campaign ads he makes it clear that he is very willing to find common ground and work together for what is best for New Jersey. Compared to the previous election ads Booker participated in, this ad is quite unique compared to his in the past. There is quite some symbolism and phrases that hint at what Booker is about and pushing for.
     For this election the ad Booker and his campaign decided to release is an interesting one and holds a bigger message then what is actually being portrayed. For the entirerty of the commercial Booker is speaking directly at a camera standing in what looks like an abandoned building with the paint chipping off the walls. It seems like a minor detail to notice the paint chipping off the walls, but it symbolizes so much more than just old paint. The paint is a symbol of the old times of New Jersey and Booker represents the new and is showing he is here to bring about change that will further the betterment of New Jersey and its residences. Despite being a Democrat he abides by what he says and is willing to work with all people in order to help New Jersey. Booker favors working together rather than against Republicans because he believes more things will get done if everyone is on the same page. Going along with supporting bipartisanship Booker has worked along side Rand Paul to create thousands of jobs for americans, trying to expand the workforce and decrease unemployment.

   Booker goes on to consider himself an "antidote" to the Washington gridlock.  In other terms he is not a radical democrat, well liked between both parties and advocate of change for the better. He sees past the red and blue and will work for compromise. The whole point of the political ad is to promote oneself  in order to receive more votes. There are different types of political ads, such as negative and positive. Booker's ad is purely positive, only speaking about himself and mentioning all good things he has accomplished. Whereas in the last election Booker chose to stick with a more negative type of ad, attacking his opponent Steve Lonegan. Positive ads tend to be more relaxed with a catchy tune playing in the background whenever the face of the candidate who bought the air time appears on screen and emphasizes how nice each candidate can appear. In a negative ad one candidate attacks the other with bold claims made by the opposing candidate. In Booker's ad from his last election he claims his opponent was way too extreme for the people of New Jersey, and had an eerie type of music playing with it to portray the sketchiness of his opponent. The second Booker appeared everything lightened up and smiles emerged. Every time Booker appeared it was with a group of people always smiling and laughing. He does this to make people think he is the obvious choice for the job. He is showing he is for the people and about the people and will be willing to lay his life down for New Jersey.

   Booker uses the slogan "New Jersey it is time to move forward." Its a new time for politics and Booker is trying to take it in the right direction. People know that times haven't been going to well lately and the people want someone who has been around the block before and can trust. Booker is currently taking on that role. He has acquired the trust of New Jersey plans on running with it to create better opportunities for all of New Jersey. The only side Booker ever chooses tends to be the one in favor of the people. He has made it evident in his ads, and shows that he is a people person who is qualified for the job and believes he is the best fit for the position.

"TRUE" Performed by Corey Booker. United States: Corey Booker for Senate, 2014. Film.

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