Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tom Wolf "Get Real"

Tom Wolf already has this election in the bag with a 17 point spread according to Real Clear Politics. The previous governor, Tom Corbett, cut a billion dollars in education spending and made Pennsylvania the only state that doesn't charge gas company's and extraction taxes, which are two key components of why voters did not want to vote for Corbett again. Wolf's "Get Real" ad shows that he stands up for the middle class and that Corbett is the problem for taxes and he is not ( He uses Corbett's two crucial mistakes when he was governor and reminds the public the damage he has caused and uses it to his advantage as he states in his ad, "Tom Wolf, a supporter of the middle class for a change."

Tom Corbett tries to blame Tom Wolf for the increase in taxes, but Wolf states that he needs to "Get Real", because Corbett is the reason for "sticking it to the middle class with taxes." He cut a billion dollars in education spending which then resulted in 80% of schools raising property taxes according to Tom Wolf's ad. I found it very interesting that he used the words to describe Tom Corbett's actions as "sticking it to the middle class" in his opening statement, so I decided to look up the definition. To stick it to somebody means to take advantage of; treat unfairly ( He deliberately used the words for a purpose and now I know why. Wolf uses these words specifically to "show" that Corbett doesn't care about the middle class and just takes advantage of them and treats them unfairly. That is the reason why Wolf dresses so casual in this TV ad. He isn't in a three piece suit, he has the first couple buttons unbuttoned on his button down with his sleeves slightly rolled up to show that he is "one" with the middle class and is going to get things "done". He says that he will "support the middle class for a change", because Tom Corbett did not do that.

Corbett already dug his own grave way before this election when he cut the education spending and denied to charge gas company's and extraction taxes. These were the two main reasons why people didn't want to vote for Corbett again because he made thing worse off for the middle class. This whole ad is just a way to remind the middle class what Corbett has done and who the bad guy really is. Wolf's only real benefit to producing this ad was to show that he can make a difference for the middle class and with him as governor he can make a change for the better.

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