Thursday, October 2, 2014

Insurance, guns and money: Pat Meehan's Reelection is Funded Mostly by Two Industy Giants

What do Boeing Aircrafts and Blue Cross/Blue Shield have in common? Practically nothing, one is an Aircraft manufacturer and the other is a Healthcare giant. However they both have made large contributions to U.S Congressman Pat Meehan’s reelection campaign (Center for Responsive Politics). But what is the reasoning for these contributions?
Boeing’s manufacturing plant for the V-22 Osprey “widow maker” rotor prop aircraft, as well as the CH-47 Chinook Helicopter, is based in Ridley, Pennsylvania which happens to be Meehan’s district (Meehan). Now that is an obvious relation, however another interesting fact is that Pat Meehan is on the Committee on Homeland Security, this Committee has influence over military contract decisions (Ballotpedia). What this means is that Boeing wants to have Meehan on their side in case of trouble with keeping the V-22 in service. This topic has been approached often in the House and Meehan has led the fight for keeping it in service (Meehan).
Blue Cross/Blue Shield have found a Healthcare ally in Pat Meehan. Donating to his campaign this year has helped maintain that. Meehan has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as voting for HR 2009 which would prevent the IRS and Treasury Secretary from using the powers granted to them under the ACA (Ballotpedia). Voting to maintain privatized Healthcare maintains Blue Cross/Blue Shield as the Healthcare giant it is.  Keeping Meehan on their payroll makes sure that in the future he will vote consistently in their interests and if they need a favor he will be dependable for them.
These two industry giants are involved in different sectors, however they both have found a “friend” in Congressman Meehan. By providing funds to his reelection campaign they hope he will stay loyal to them and vote in their favor. However with him in the House it is a guarantee that there is one more congressperson who will vote against ACA and for more military spending.

Patrick Meehan “Congressman Patrick Meehan” Web,
Ballotpedia “Ballotpedia – Patrick Meehan” Web,
Center for Responsive Politics “Patrick Meehan” Web,

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