Friday, September 12, 2014

A Government for all Americans

Burgess Everett’s “Senate BlocksCampaign Finance Amendment” explores the idea that wealthier people are able to participate in government more than the average middle class person. Recently, a bill was brought to the senate pertaining to the reform of campaign finance, and was ultimately rejected due to a unanimous vote against it by the GOP. Republicans complained that if this bill were to pass, that it would put restrictions on the first amendment. After the vote Harry Reid was quoted saying, “Senate Democrats want a government that works for all Americans — not just the richest few”. Senator Chuck Schumer (NY) was also quoted saying that in order to have a fair election, it is pivotal that every person has a fair chance to donate money to a campaign if he/she wishes to.
What Reid is saying makes sense. The idea that people are willing to spend obscene amounts of money on campaigns does not seem too rational. With this bill being struck down, the Republican Party is basically implying that they would prefer a small group of wealthy people donating money, rather than a large group of middle class people. It’s important to have a society in which everyone can participate in government, and I think that since the GOP ultimately rejected this bill, it implies that republicans are unwilling to support a society with equal participation.

Everett, Burgess. "Senate Blocks Campaign Finance Amendment." POLITICO. 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

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