Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is Tom Wolf Really the Right Man for the Job?

In the race for Pennsylvania Governor between Tom Wolf and Tom Corbett, Wolf is ahead by a sixteen point spread (Real Clear Politics).  Doesn't look like a Tom Corbett has much of a chance! But, according to Tighe King, a columinst from The Mercury Columns, states that he isn't voting for the favorite Tom Wolf even though he knows him personally. Why would he not vote for him then? Because, Tom Wolf's "Fresh Start" policy plan is wiping the slate clean for Pennsylvania and isn't going to develop strategies to fix and improve current problems that need to be dealt with.

After serving four years as governor, Tom Corbett was able to put Pennsylvania in a new direction and made a sharp turn from the tax-and-spend culture that had for too long controlled Harrisburg. And now Tom Wolf's "Fresh Start" is going to erase all of Corbett's progress for what? Wolf's "plan" is going to do absolutely the opposite of what Corbett has accomplished and now is executing a plan that exactly broke down Harrisburg in the first place: more government, higher taxes, redistribution of wealth, more spending, more regulations and a complete endorsement of Obamacare. Wolf's plan doesn't help resolve any of the issues that Pennsylvania is dealing with and certainly isn't going to find a solution to the $50 billion pension crisis that impacts every Pennsylvanian’s property tax bill. Doesn't sound like a "Fresh Start" to me!

Wolf then discusses the issues of the Delaware loophole, even though that his company is incorporated in Delaware. He isn't focused on the problems of Pennsylvania and isn't providing solutions to his own state that he is trying to represent. Wolf instead should strive to make Pennsylvania a more prominent and competitive state, so companies don’t have to rely on Delaware and other states to base their businesses. Let's try and make Pennsylvania the state for a business environment that takes advantage of our resources, so that we can put Pennsylvanians back to work. Through Corbett's time as governor and his leadership, he has been able to accomplish that and more. So why wipe the slate clean with a Fresh Start now?
Wolf's plan is not good for jobs, for taxpayers, or for businesses. Pennsylvania doesn't need a "Fresh Start". Starting over is not going to help or resolve any problems, it will only take us backwards. Tom Corbett has been adding value serving as governor and has made Pennsylvania a better place to live, work, raise a family and retire. He was able to eliminate a $4.2 billion budget deficit he inherited and balanced four straight budgets without raising taxes (The Mercury Columns). He saved taxpayers $690 million just in new efficiencies and reforms, while reducing the size of government to the lowest point in 50 years (The Mercury Columns). As unemployment has fallen from 8.1 percent to 5.7 percent, the private sector has created more than 180,000 new jobs (The Mercury Columns). As you can see, Corbett has pushed Pennsylvania in the right direction and we cannot afford to have this all erased by Wolf's "Fresh Start". 
"Election 2014 - Pennsylvania Governor - Corbett vs. Wolf." RealClearPolitics. September 26, 2014. Accessed September 26, 2014.
"OP-ED: Why I Can’t Support Tom Wolf for Governor." The Mercury: Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment & Pottstown News. Accessed September 26, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. The Wolf campaign's strategy and plan is to have a fresh start. This so called fresh start, however, would not necessarily "wipe the slate clean", but possibly just wipe clean all of the mistakes that Tom Corbett made while in office. Currently, in a poll done by Public Policy Polling, Corbett received an approval rating of 24%, making him the least liked governor of all of the states in which PPP polled. With an approval rating so low, a clean slate may be just what Pennsylvania needs right now. It would be a different story if almost two-thirds of Pennsylvanians didn't disapprove Corbett, but with approval ratings so low, the fresh start seems to be exactly what the constituents want and need. But the thing is, these low approval ratings are not new to Corbett, as he has received low ratings all four years that he has been in office. Maybe Pennsylvanians are thinking that they made a mistake in 2010, or maybe Corbett is flat out as bad as Pennsylvanians think he is. It is highly interesting to look at the fact that he saved taxpayers $690 million, but the question of where that money came from really does come to mind. Because, I seem to think that Corbett has only cost us money. By allowing large companies to come into our state and drill for oil by using hydraulic fracturing, he has created jobs, and I will give him that. However, Corbett failed to tax these oil moguls, and with that could have potentially lost the tax payers money that we will never see. So, sure, we can point out all of the decent things that Corbett has done while in office, but it seems as if the approval rating says it all. We are in need of a fresh start.
