Friday, September 19, 2014

Political Commercials have a strange twist this year

                Everybody complains about political advertisements, they are either too frequent, too negative or just plain weird. Much of the complaints however have not been substantiated. I want to know if they are getting more polite, more offensive, or staying the same but what is the composition of polite vs offensive ads.
                The 2012 election saw what has been claimed to be the worst campaign commercials in history.1 With the republican primaries in 2012 some of the most vicious attack advertisements in American history were aired.2 The thought here is that they can only get better from here, but can they get worse?
                Studies have shown that the public is exhausted with political negativity, and that commercials are becoming more positive and less negative.1 However, that source is from May of 2014 and does suggest that in the general elections the advertisements will become much more brutal. Stephen Farnsworth, of the University of Mary Washington’s Center of Leadership and Media studies, claims that the less offensive political ads during the primaries are the “calm before the storm” that will occur during the general elections.1
                Taking a look at the current political advertisements for the senate race, they do not seem that bitter on the surface. However a problem one can find is in misinformation. Either on purpose or by ignorance there are ads that directly misinform voters on issues.
                One can look at Tom Cotton of Arkansas, his current commercial attacks Obama for putting food stamps into the farm bill. While this would be a valid Republican concern, it was not Obama who did that it was FDR, SNAP was actually expanded by George W. Bush in 2002 as well.3 Tom Cottons political advertisement is not outright offensive, however he attacks an issue that he is not informed enough about.
                Another commercial of note is Republican David Perdue of Georgia, he has accused his opponent of funding Terrorist groups with federal funds.4 Perdue’s opponent Michele Nunn was the director of Points of Light a charity organization created by President George H.W Bush. One of the possible beneficiaries that Michele Nunn had investigated was “Islamic Relief USA” an Islamic Charity. Points of Light never donated to Islamic Relief.4 This has not stopped Perdue from claiming Islamic Relief USA is a terrorist group and that Michele Nunn donated to them. Neil Bush, the son of George H.W. Bush, has publically denounced Perdue’s commercial.4
                In conclusion, the current Senate political advertisements are less bitter than they have been in the past, however there are instances of complete misinformation.

  1. Reese, Frederick . "New Stats Show Rise In Positive Political Ads." MintPress News. (accessed September 19, 2014). 
  2.  Farnam, T.W. "Study: Negative campaign ads much more frequent, vicious than in primaries past." Washington Post. (accessed September 19, 2014).
  3. Clawson, Laura. "Does Tom Cotton think Barack Obama is a time traveler, or is Cotton just a liar?." Does Tom Cotton think Barack Obama is a time traveler, or is Cotton just a liar?. (accessed September 19, 2014).
  4. Clawson, Laura. "Perdue slammed for heinous false ad linking Nunn to terrorism." Perdue slammed for heinous false ad linking Nunn to terrorism. (accessed September 19, 2014).

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