Friday, September 12, 2014

In a Toss-Up Race, One Congressman's Old Fashion Values May Cost Him the Election

                Steve Southerland a Floridian Republican Congressman held a private fundraiser last week that could prove to be very damaging to his reelection campaign. In an attempt to combat the oppositions funding Congressman Southerland held an event specifying that women were not permitted at this event. Men were instructed to “tell the Misses not to wait up” and they were to enjoy the night of whiskey and cigars “without any women present.”
                An assumption that one can draw from this is that Southerland does not value women as equals and this is a way of voicing that opinion. This is a direct affront to his opponent Gwen Graham who just happens to be a woman. Even if he did not mean to do it Congressman Southerland has told his voters that he does not value his opponent. The result of this however may cost him in the polls. Gwen Graham has already out-raised Southerland, raising 2.6 million dollars in campaign funds. Even more she is the daughter of, and endorsed by, Florida’s highly popular former Governor and Senator Robert Graham.
                Sutherland’s campaign manager has addressed the attention of this fundraiser as “laughable” however this can come across as a direct insult to Graham and may cost him “respect” votes. If Sutherland wants to stay in this neck-and-neck race his campaign team needs to address this and attempt to refute its implications.
                The implications of this race are momentous, this race is being described as one of the most important in the country. Right now if Graham pulls ahead she will be one of a few Democrats leading the polls. Cook Polling has recently labeled this race a tossup and if the Democrats win this will place a ‘southern’ Democrat in the House, which the Democrats really do struggle to win.

Lachman, Samantha. “GOP Congressman Held A Male-Only Fundraiser That's Straight Out Of 'Mad Men'” The Huffington Post. 09/04/14. Accessed 09/12/14.

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